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Barbie is the face of a strong independent women, she has numerous jobs and even owns her own “Dream house.” Barbie promotes that you can be anything you want to be, just like her. If you buy a Barbie, you could can be just like her and have endless opportunities. Barbie never stood on the sidelines of any activity or job to attract a man, nor did she let a man take her position, she was always front in centre. Typically a Christian woman from a conservative Christian community is a stay at home mom who takes care of the children while the husband is in the work field outside the house. Barbie does not have any obligations like keeping the house clean as she has animals to save or planes to fly. She is more concerned about what party she is invited to next and where the sales on shoes are. “Barbie implies that woman can succeed in masculine domains while remaining steadfastly feminine” (Rogers 1999). Barbie does not fall under stereotypical norms for male and female in the conservative Christian community because she is the bread winner not the “Mommy.” “Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices. While Mattel marketed a number of wedding-themed Barbie and Ken outfits and accessories, Barbie’s marital status was always inclusive” (Gerber 2009). Therefore giving young girls the opportunity to achieve anything they wanted to by portraying their ideas and personality through Barbie. “Barbie partakes of “male privilege” she is no self –sacrificing, other-oriented woman who puts her own dreams on hold for the sake of a wedding band, a diaper bag or anything else connected with marriage or motherhood”(Rogers 1999 ). Commons states, “Barbie functions as a tool for self-imaging” as she is not limited with kids or a husband. She does not fall into this category, she radiates independency where no man will come in between her and her goals in life to be successful and famous. Her male counterpart Ken, is simply an accessory to pair well with her knee high boots and pink pleather purse. Ken is as manly as a new born puppy; his girlish almost too perfect features are what cause him to be over looked as just Barbie’s lacklustre boyfriend and nothing more. Ken doesn’t have a real job, in fact his only job is to be on Barbie’s arm while she radiates confidence and power from her voluminous hair down to her perfectly pointed toes; “Ken helps make Barbie real” (Rand 1995). In the early conservative Christian community men and woman were not created equal, “many leadership roles in the organized church were restricted to males” (Wikipedia). Ken is portrayed as a weak male whose job in life is to be on Barbie’s arm giving her all the power, which in a conservative Christian community the male is most likely the one who holds the most power.

This clip is from Barbie life in the Dream House on youtube. In this episode Barbie and Ken go to space to fix a problem on the moon. Ken keeps getting distracted from his duties that Barbie gives him so she ends up doing all the work. Barbie is shown here that she is smart, crafty and more independent than Ken. He is constantly asking for Barbie to help him when he's in a mess. 

This clip is from Barbie life in the Dream House. In this episode Ken trys finding a job to be a "real man" but in the end he discovers his job is to be Barbie's boyfriend. Proving that Barbie is independent one while Ken is her follower. 

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