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Annotated Bibliogrpahy

Anderson, Kristin J. Cavallaro, Donna. “Parents or Pop Culture? Children’s Heroes and Role Models.”                          

 Taylor and Francis online. Web. 5 Oct 2015.


This source will help me in my project because it discusses how the most important features of childhood is their development of an identity, therefore if Barbie helps shape little girls identity she will be giving them the wrong impression that it’s okay to wear skin tight clothes and worry about your hair and who’s party you are invited to. This source will fit into my unforgiving sexual acts section because she is the building block to the development of identity therefore no Christian mother would approve of letting her daughter be victimized of this.


Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse Episode: 69: Mooning Over You. Arc Productions, Mattel, 26 June 2015.



This source will be helpful for my project because it is about Ken and Barbie taking a trip to the moon. He keeps making mistakes while in space and assisting Barbie in space work. Ken is portrayed once again that he cannot do the hard jobs that Barbie is capable of doing while Ken just compliments her showing female dominance and independency. 


Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse Episode: 29: Occupational Hazards. Arc Productions, Mattel, 16 March

 2013. Film.


This source will be helpful for my project because it’s an episode of Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. This episode is a good example of depicting Ken as Barbie’s side kick accessory. His only job is to be Barbie’s boyfriend; this shows how independent Barbie is and is in no need of a man in her life. Therefore contradicting what conservative Christian family roles are, the wife is a homemaker watching the kids while the father does the real work.        


Gerber, Robin. Barbie and Ruth. New York: NY, 2009. Print


This source will be helpful because it explores Barbie and religion. The book is about Ruth Handler the creator of the ever so popular 11 ½ inch doll and her triumphs and tribulations that went along with it. This book will be perfect for my website because it gives the back story on how Barbie was made and Ruth’s intensions on making her. It will help me subtopic about Barbie dressing too scandalous giving little girls the impression they need to dress a certain way to be successful.


Kafai, Yasmin B. Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat. USA, 2008. Print


This book discusses the gaming world through female perspective. They explain that gaming is not just for men but there should be more selection for female gamers to choose from other than just Barbie games. This will help me with my project because in my subtopic I will discuss how Barbie dressing provocatively may lead girls to thinking they should look just like her if they want to be strong and beautiful because of her influence she has on them.  


Kuther, Tara L. "Early Adolescents' Experiences with, and Views of, Barbie." Web. 24    Oct 2015.


This article will help me with my project because it discusses studies they did asking girls what they thought of Barbie. This will go well in my subtopic of unforgiving sexual acts becasue she is unrealistic to girls yet she is defined as perfect.     


Linda B. Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion: “The Sacred and the Secular.” Web. 7 Oct 2015.


This website will be very helpful for my project because it relates to religion and dress code. The article describes what religious groups usually wear, usually creating a female imbalance giving the male power. This will help in my project where I discuss how Barbie is not an ideal role model for the conservative Christian community to young girls because she does not dress modestly nor does she give a man (Ken) any power over her because of her clothing choice.


Lockyer Herbert, sr.ed. Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Christian Bible

 Refrence site. “What does the Bible say about proper dress?” 1986. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


This source will be helpful for my project because it discusses in the New Testament what Christian woman should wear which is dressing modestly. This will help with my topic on Barbie dressing to provocatively giving girls the impression that they need to dress like that to be beautiful and successful. Therefore a conservative Christian mother might not want her daughter playing with Barbie because it sets a bad example.


Lord .G. M. Forever Barbie. New York: NY, 1994. Print


This source will help me with my project because the book is about how Barbie is a female powerhouse and defines the role of woman. This will relate to my subtopic about male oriented work fields because Barbie is and independent woman who does not need a man to define her.


Lyden, John C. Mazur Michael Eric. “The Routledge companion to Religion and Popular Culture.” 276.

 Web. 5 Oct 2015.


This source will help me with my project about Barbie being accepted in the conservative Christian community because it talks about how Barbie is a fictional character made up of realistic characteristics and attributes of an adult woman. Barbie was created to be the stepping stone in creating little girls futures unfortunately, I believe the conservative Christian community mothers would not want their daughter playing with Barbie because although she represents independency and being who you want to be she also wears skimpy tight clothes and is constantly worrying about her hair, makeup, and partying with friends which is not what a Christian woman should be worrying about.


Mohler, Albert. “Barbie Turns 50, But Hasn’t Aged a Day.” 3 March 2009. Web. 5 Oct




This source will be helpful for my project because it is an article about the conservative Christian community and their thoughts about Barbie. This will tie into my subtopic about her unforgiving sexual acts because in the conservative Christian community Barbie is seen as sexually suggestive.  


Norton, Kevin I. “Ken and Barbie at Life Size.” Springer Link. 287-294. Web. 5 Oct 2015.


This source will help me with my project because it talks about how Barbie and Ken give off unrealistic body images. This will be useful in my section of unforgiving sexual acts because Barbie is represented at inappropriate and showing off too much skin therefore giving off a bad impression.


N.p. Barbie History. 2015. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


This source will be helpful for my project because it’s about the history of Barbie and her creator Ruth Handler. My project is asking the question would Barbie be accepted into the conservative Christian community, and Handler says she is full of choices which in my project I will discuss unforgiving sexual acts therefore leaving Barbie to the imagination little girls might role play them inappropriately.


N.p. Grace to you. “The Role of Woman.” 2012. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


This source is about the role of woman in the Christian community and how they should act. It says that woman should be homemakers and attend to their husband and or children. It also explains that men had most of the power not just in the church but also outside. This will be helpful for my project because Barbie does none of that she is the exact opposite in fact, she has countless jobs that were once male oriented and she is not married nor have kids. Barbie is her own woman and answers to herself.


N.p. The Economist. “Barbie Life in Plastic.” 19 Dec 2002. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


This article is about how well known and popular Barbie is all around the world. She is an icon and even a lifestyle they explain. This source will help me with my project because I can incorporate it into the section on how she dresses. Barbie is meant to be dressed and undressed with her many scandalous outfits therefore giving young girls the wrong impression on how a young successful woman should look like, which would also steer conservative Christian families away from her.


Prior, Swallow Karen. Christian Woman Cultural Comment. “Tattooed Barbie: You’ve come a long way.”

  27 Oct 2011. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


The article is talking about a collectors addition tattooed Barbie that is raising the question if Barbie is a good role model or not? This relates to my research project because I believe Barbie is not a good role model for the conservative Christian community and with this article explaining parents having concern with her new look the community more than likely feels the same way. This will really help my topic on modestly clothed because even though she is not wearing inappropriate clothes she is portraying the typical tatted up biker chick whose a little rough around the edges therefore no Christian Mother is going to buy their little girl this Barbie in case she gets the idea in her mind that tattoos are cool.



Rand, Erica. Barbie’s Queers Accessories. USA. 1995. Print


This source will be helpful for my website because the book is about Barbie and her accessories. The author spends time analyzing some of them then relating them to Barbie and her personality. This source will be helpful in my subtopic of modestly dressed because the book explains how Mattel felt Barbie was seen as too much of a “sex pot” to mothers. This will relate well to my topic because Barbie was and still is seen as over sexualized and in the conservative Christian community I believe is too.


Rogers, Mary F. Emphatic Femininity.” Barbie Culture. 16. 5 Oct 2015.  9ffoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=Barbie+and+pop+culture+%2B+religion&ots=J8MIkbCuxB&sig=nWccLyffp0ueKVRojoWnvq_HihE#v=onepage&q&f=fa  lse


This article discusses how Barbie is perceived she screams femininity but still partakes in the male oriented work roles. This will be helpful in my section about male oriented workforce because in a conservative Christian community the male is the one working while the woman is to be a homemaker taking care of the children. This article refines the stay at home mom showing that Barbie is a strong independent woman on her own.


Schick, Vanessa, R. Taylor and Fracnis Online. "Evulvalution: The Portrayal of Woman's External Genitalia and Physique across Time and the  Current Barbie Doll Ideals." 11 Nov 2009. Web. 10 Oct 2015.


This article will be helpful for my project because it is discussing Barbie's Physical appereance and how unrealistic it it for real women to obtain. This article will help with my topic about unforgiving sexual acts becasue I will explain how she is unrealistic and setting a bad example to little girls.  



Thomas, Banks. Jeannie. Naked Barbie’s, Warriors Joes, and other forms of visible gender. USA. 2003.



When Ken was introduced to the Barbie collection thousands of little girls minds explored the new world of gender roles and most importantly body parts. This sparked interest in making Ken and Barbie kiss and even exploring some hanky panky. This promotes sex at a young age to little girls and gives them the idea of experimenting. Conservative Christian beliefs do not agree with having sex before marriage therefore Barbie is a bad influence of young girls. This will help with my subtopic of unforgiving sexual acts because a conservative Christian mother may be worried that her daughter is playing with a sexualized doll putting thoughts into her head.



Wikipedia. “Woman in Christianity.” Aug 2015. Web. 4 Oct 2015.


This source will be helpful because it explores the conservative Christian community and the roles of woman. This will help with my male oriented work field section because in the Christian Church men had the higher authority and leadership roles. Barbie is her own woman and makes her own rules she can be anyone you want her to be weather that be a doctor or a judge.


Wright Lenore. “The Wonder of Barbie: Popular Culture and the Making of Female Identity.” Feminine

Politics in Popular Culture: The Construction of Gender. Web 5 Oct 2015.


This source will help me with my project because it is about the role and identity of woman and how we perceive it today. This article will help me better describe the world of make-believe where Barbie allows you to withdraw from real world and place your persona and self in the 11 ½ inch doll. In my project I argue little girls playing with Barbie will let their imagination run wild therefore they might think they have to look, dress even act like her to be considered successful and pretty. This would probably be frowned upon in the conservative Christian community because all this imagination may lead to poor conservative Christian judgement. 


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